Tuesday, May 18, 2010

I have wild onions in my flower bed.?

Last year I tilled up the bed, but they came back this year. Does anybody know anything that I can do to get rid of them without having to remove everything else and killing my flowers.

Thank you very much!

I have wild onions in my flower bed.?
You have to pull them by hand....Well... one way to multiply them is to take a cross sectioned piece, as long as there is a piece of root attached and put it in dirt. essentially, That's what you did by tilling them under. 5 years ago my yard was FULL of them i pulled and pulled the first year, the second year was one quarter of the pulling. now it is hardly any pulling, just when i see a stray one come up here and there.alot of work, but worth it.
Reply:We have them, too. I haven't found any effective treatment other than just pulling them out.

Reply:Use God's greatest creation-your hand!
Reply:If you can find the herbicide, with "Trimec" in it, that will work.
Reply:As they get older, they will settle down and become good onions.
Reply:you need lime your PH is too low.you can get a soil sample test done free with the agricultur dept in your loc town you can look up when to cut them down in march and april and they will bleed out and dye off but your PH in your dirt is very low and thats why the grow there add lime to the soil you can also eat them too if you like

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