Thursday, April 30, 2009

Will wild passion flowers effect my cultivated variety "purple passion" plants.....?

There is a vine called a Purple Passion Vine, which isn't a passion vine at all. This won't be affected.

There is a passiflora called the maypop, that often grows wild in the SE of the US of A and this is often called 'Purple Passion Vine'. It really isn't all that different from any wild vine, even if you have a fancy variety of it, so having other maypops around will help yours set fruit.

If your passiflora is just a hybridized variety called 'purple passion', it probably doesn't set anything edible, so wild vines won't hurt.

Wild passion vines don't get sprayed, so they will be a source for caterpillars that might come and eat at your vines. If your vines are small and young, you will probably want to BT them. If your vines are mature, they can probably withstand some eating-on and if you leave the caterpillars be you will get lovely butterflies in addition to your blooms.

Will wild passion flowers effect my cultivated variety "purple passion" plants.....?
Only if you allow them to fruit, then there is a chance they will bother them. If you are just after flowers then there shouldn't be any issues.

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