Thursday, April 30, 2009

I have a perfect circle of small purple wild flowers growing in my front yard. What causes it?

In Celtic folklore it is called a fairy ring. According to tradition you are to enter the ring and stand in the center. Then turn around three times while making a wish. If the fairies find you worthy they will grant your wish. In reality no one can tell you for certain how it happens. But it does happen naturally without human intervention. Most of the time it is mushrooms that grow in circles. Flowering plants are very rare to do this. It can be caused by gopher tunnels or a whirl wind at seed spawn. If you have children let them make a wish and enjoy it.

I have a perfect circle of small purple wild flowers growing in my front yard. What causes it?
Reply:It starts with one, which spreads its seeds in a circle. The circle grows with generations.
Reply:These are not flowers, they are weeds. I know that mushrooms grow in circles because the majority of the fungus is underground and grows in a circular pattern there. Possibly, your weeds also pertain to this. Hope i helped! : )
Reply:If the leaves look like a spade (cards), then it is wild violets. If you want to get rid of them without harming grass then spray weed and brush killer on it. Regular weed spray (24D) will not kill it, you need something with Triclopyr in it to get rid of it. Good Luck
Reply:Could be magic! Ha! Enjoy them!
Reply:someone must have planted them there,you didn't say if you are a new owner or not
Reply:someone planted a circle of crocus bulbs.
Reply:garden gnomes, their magical and come to life at night
Reply:seeds, soil
Reply:fungi underground. they furtilyze the soil so flowers and stuff grows there
Reply:they got inspired by ur beauty and attempted to be a cause of ur smile.
Reply:The Keebler Elves. They get tired of making all those cookies.
Reply:someone said fairies and they were kinda right.

These are called "fairy rings" and they are in fact weeds but pretty none the less.
Reply:i think its a coincidence. just enjoy it while it lasts!
Reply:those things theyre just like dandie loins

running shoes

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