Tuesday, November 17, 2009

I have vinca growing wild in a flower bed, can I trasplant some into a pot and how do I do this.?

Vinca is rather easy to transplant. When digging a section up, try to take as much root as you can gather. It is like English Ivy, you can cut off a piece, and it will still root itself. If putting it in a pot, like you say, try to bring along some dirt that it is growing in. In other words, try to not disturb the roots any more than neccesary. As long as you do this and keep it watered upon relocation, the plant ought to adapt just fine.

I have vinca growing wild in a flower bed, can I trasplant some into a pot and how do I do this.?
Yes, just dig it up and put it in some soil and water it. It may not do well inside during the winter.

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