Tuesday, November 17, 2009

How can I get rid of large burdock bushes?

I have over the past few years let a steep grassy bank behind my house grow wild. The wild flowers are great but now I am realizing the burdock bushes have taken over. I really want to get rid of them, but how? I tried cutting them but there just too many. Some of them are huge.

How can I get rid of large burdock bushes?
There is a product called "Brush Kill". I find it at Lowe's Home Improvement Center. You could probably find it at your local center. It is in the garden section. The instructions for mixing it with water are on the bottle, and then you just spray it on the bush's leaves. It kills within days. Once the greenery is dead, then you can cut out the woody parts of the bush.

I've taken out some HUGE flowering quince bushes and some small trees with it. Be careful with the spray, though. It will kill most other plants that it touches, too.
Reply:Hire some one with a farm tractor and a hedge hog cutter and have him mow the hill for you. A good hedge hog will take out a small tree.
Reply:To prevent injuring the other plants, cut the bushes as low to the ground as you can, then pour 100% Roundup in the center of the clump. Not too much, just enough to saturate the clump.

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